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Akram Ancestry website is about the Akram Family's ancestry. It in no way represents anyone else outside of the immediate family, nor should anyone, whether family or friends, take the results of our immediate family's ancestral data to be their lineage. Even sibling's DNA can vary by 50%. The following findings are conclusive because of Raz Akram, A. Akram, and M. Akram's DNA results overall similarities.
All information on Akram Ancestry website is from data provided by companies who specialise in DNA, biological, and archaeological research.
All historical information on Akram Ancestry has been carefully researched and analysed by Historians, Archaeologists, Genealogy Companies, Raz Akram, A. Akram, and Bioformatic companies.
Raz Akram has had an interest in his family's ancestral history since he was a teenager. A. Akram has an interest in her ancestral history, ancient history, and biology. Both have done extensive research on the information on Akram Ancestry website.
Updates are routinely maintained on this website as new scientific and archaeological updates are provided about our family by Historians, Archaeologists, Genealogy and Bioformatic companies.
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